Meal Accommodations and Special Diets

HBCSD Food Services provides modified menus for students who have a disability, medical condition, or special dietary need and are unable to consume regular breakfast and lunch. All meals are provided at no cost to students whose allergies, intolerances, or disabilities restrict their diets.

Medical Statement to Request Special Meals

Huntington Beach City School District’s Food Services Department can provide food substitutions or accommodations on a case-by-case basis for students with a medically certified special dietary need. Students who require food substitutions or meal accommodation due to food allergies, intolerances, or modified textures must have a Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations form on file. The form must be filled out completely and signed by a U.S. licensed physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner. An alert message will be added to your student’s account and substitutions will be provided based on the guidance of the healthcare provider.

Please submit the completed form to Ashlin Connolly at or deliver in person to the District Office at 8750 Dorsett Drive, Huntington Beach, CA, 92646.

       Medical Statement Request Form (English)

       Medical Statement Request Form (Spanish)

Substitution for Fluid Milk

Parents and guardians can request a milk substitute for students due to medical or special dietary need. A healthcare professional’s signature is NOT required. Please note, students are not required to take a milk in order to receive a free breakfast or lunch. 

Please submit the completed form to Ashlin Connolly at or deliver in person to the District Office at 8750 Dorsett Drive, Huntington Beach, CA, 92646.

Milk Sub Request Form (English)

Milk Sub Request Form (Spanish)

Cultural & Religious Food Preferences

While Huntington Beach City School District does not offer individual food substitutions for cultural or religious dietary preferences, we are dedicated to offering a diverse range of food options.